The first question to answer is: why Tribal? This word is translated as "generic", "tribal", which directly indicates the origins of this style. Initially, the process of applying black-and-white pointed tattoos was presented in the form of a ritual accompanied by the prayers of the priests. Since ancient times, body drawings have been endowed with a deep spiritual meaning and were designed to reflect the soul of their bearer. Moreover, the original meaning of tribal tattoos is to influence the fate and life of their owner, simultaneously performing the role of a talisman and talisman.
No less important, each of the peoples and tribes had their own interpretation of tribal tattoos. The Maori peoples saw in them inner strength and fortitude, because not everyone was able to endure the rather painful process of tattooing. African tribes and Mayan civilizations associated tattoos with a mental sensation, the power of the soul and thought.
Tribal people also differ in tribal differences. For example, Polynesian lines are characterized by clarity and even roughness. More often you can find combinations of curved lines or waves with repeated geometrically correct ornaments. As a central figure, these peoples preferred to depict birds, fern leaves, a shark silhouette or a skull.
For the most part, tribal tattoos are presented in the form of pointed patterns and ornaments made in black and white. With the development of this direction, the style has undergone many changes and has ceased to be associated exclusively with monochrome drawings. Today, tribal allows the use of a variety of colors and patterns, acquiring new shades.
Tribal is the oldest tattoo technique, which is why it is characterized by simplicity of lines, clarity of contours and an emphasis on perception. At the same time, the image of the tattoo itself is not so significant - much more important are the emotions and feelings that it causes in its wearer and others.
The modern style of trible is characterized by variability. So, the masters easily recreate a three-dimensional effect, giving a simple flat pattern a significant volume by adding tilt and shadows. Such experiments look very impressive and stylish on the body, while maintaining some restraint.
The expanded color palette allows the use of contrasting lines, so that gray and deep black are complemented with bright colors. Geometric tribal patterns look equally impressive on any part of the body, whether it's the back, legs or arms.
There is a deep meaning behind the seemingly simple geometric patterns characteristic of this style. These are not just lines and sketches, but a person's desire to tell about himself through visual symbolism. Through the tribal, people tend to tell about their achievements, social status, worldview, origin.
For example, in Tahiti, the body patterns in this style, covering the shoulders of a man, testified to the puberty of their wearer. In a number of ancient tribes, the transition of a boy to the status of a man had no direct connection with age: the guys who personally killed a predatory beast were considered "mature". A successful hunt or other feat was encouraged by a tattoo, known today as a tribal.
Tribal is a style that resonates in the souls of people who appreciate inner strength, impulse, extreme and spiritual dominance. If you see beauty in a simple way, then tribal-style patterns will appeal to you. They will organically complement your image both visually and mentally.