A tattoo in the form of a swallow is an ancient drawing that has many meanings. The swallow not only looks aesthetically pleasing on the body, but also brings good luck to its owner.
Recently the tattoo in the form of a swallow has become widespread. This state of affairs is not surprising, because the swallow has a universal meaning and serves as a graceful decoration for both male and female bodies. The swallow tattoo has many meanings and they all have a positive orientation, which creates even more excitement around the famous drawing.
The swallow symbol was known in ancient times, when the first interpretations of the popular tattoo began to emerge:
The swallow had a really special meaning for sailors. There is a completely rational explanation for such a warm attitude. Swallows are thosebirds that are the first to notify sailors and approaching land. Therefore, the swift-winged bird is the hope of a safe return to the homeland.
The most popular meaning of a swallow tattoo is intertwined with marine legend about how seven brave sailors decided to challenge the entire ship for unfair treatment of themselves. When planning a riot, the sailors put a swallow mark on top of their clothes to distinguish each other during the battle. Now the swallow is associated with dexterity and ingenuity. No less popular interpretation of the swallow is considered to be a demonstration of their experience and skill.
Previously, it was believed that a sailor whose breast is decorated with swallows, you can trust. The bird also protected the life of a person during swimming. And if a sailor was destined for death, then a brave bird took his soul from the depths of the sea and carried it to heaven.
Today, every sailor who has traveled more than 9,000 km makes a tattoo on his chest in the form of a swallow.
Despite the long period of evolution, the main meaning of the swallow has not changed. The most well-known interpretations of tattoos are the following:
However, this is not a complete list of the values of the swallow. An equally relevant symbol is loyalty. Swallows often leave their homes, going to winter, but they unmistakably find an old place and settle there again. In connection with this interpretation, the swallow has acquired a special significance among married couples who get a tattoo as a demonstration of their devotion and loyalty to the family.
A swallow in flight brings good luck and grants the achievement of goals. Therefore, such a tattoo can often be seen on various parts of the bodies of athletes who attract good luck in battle.
A tattoo in the form of a fast-winged bird also attracts the popularity and love of others. The swallow adorns the bodies of famous actors and singers, so it's hard not to believe in its meaning.
The heavenly bird is often perceived as a symbol of a close connection with relatives and friends who have left this world. Such a tattoo is often associated with the strengthening of religiosity and with the need of the soul for enlightenment.
The swallow is a symbol of freedom, so this pattern can often be seen on the body of former prisoners. For people who have been in prison, a swallow literally means finding the desired freedom.
Some people who are still in prison are getting a tattoo of a swallow, which will help them gain early freedom.
For the most part, the meaning of the swallow symbol is the same regardless of the place of tattooing. However, the local position can make its own adjustments to the symbolism of the heavenly bird.
The most popular choice of a place for a swallow tattoo is wrist. In this case, the drawing has a classic meaning: freedom, loyalty, youth and luck.
The place of the forearm imposes a more limited value on the swallow. In this context, the bird symbolizes confidence, the desire for change for the better. A tattoo on the shoulder may indicate that its wearer is a winner in life. This area for tattooing is often chosen by men.
Swallow on the neck has the most positive value. A tattoo can protect a person and indicate the right way of life. The bird on the neck attracts good luck and luck.
A tattoo on the lower back most often symbolizes the romance of nature, the desire for perfection and transformation.
The number of birds depicted also has an impact on the meaning of the tattoo. A lone swallow expresses freedom to a greater extent. A flock of birds indicates loyalty and nobility of nature.