The desire to stand out distinguishes people who are extraordinary and not limited by boundaries. Tattoo parlors offer an easy way to feel special with the help of an original tattoo that will not only decorate the body, but also carry some symbolism, will identify a person's attitude to the surrounding world.
Animals and birds are the most popular direction in the tattoo industry. Many people are fascinated by the flight of birds, so a Raven sketch will be a good choice for both guys and girls. The attitude to the Raven may be different, but nevertheless it carries the image of mysticism and something otherworldly.
Different religions form their attitude to this bird: among Christians, the Raven is considered the wisest bird, but despite this they treat it negatively, although it is considered a good omen to see a raven with a white feather.
The Celts were less friendly to him, and this is understandable, because the Raven was the eternal companion of the goddess Morigan, and she sowed death on the battlefield. A symbol of loneliness, it is like the wind rushing in the sky. The Greeks and Romans treated the bird more respectfully: the raven was a messenger from the gods of Olympus, Athena and the handsome Apollo, and it was considered a bird that brings hope. The biblical pages tell about the raven as a companion of hermits and sages, who accompanied them and brought food to keep the elders alive. The Indians revered the Raven as the ancestor and patron of the tribe. He protected the members of the tribe, and people, in turn, did not dare to touch these powerful and wise birds, and when they found a wounded bird, they nursed it and let it go free.Masters of tattoo salons most often depict a bird in black or blue-black color. Spread wings and a beak open in a cry, sitting on a branch or skull - even a client can come up with a sketch, and the master will draw it after listening to all preferences. Beautiful drawings are obtained when using different colors: black and red, black and pink, the main thing is that there is a sharp transition of the palette.
The raven is a strong image and it has such a character, which the owner of such a memorable tattoo puts into it.