Each sign on the human body carries a certain energy. Some signs are given from birth. For example: beautiful moles and flies on the face go to the lucky ones. They bring fame and wealth. But with the help of hand-drawn signs-tattoos, you can attract not only good luck into your life. Images on the body: animals, pentagrams, numbers, hieroglyphs can change character traits, add strength and fearlessness to their owner.
In ancient cultures, the decoration of the body with drawings had a sacred meaning – it was a connection with the gods, with the forces of nature. Some symbols gave protection from dark forces, and some, on the contrary, could summon demons. Modern body art is not associated with some otherworldly forces, it is more art. They admire the tattoo and use it to emphasize their individuality. But still, let's turn to history, because it's interesting.
The image with such a cute, and at the same time, cunning beast, is most often chosen by confident ladies who like to show their sexuality. These are extraordinary personalities who are ready to do a lot for the sake of what they want. Passionate seductresses for men and very insidious for rivals. However, you should not consider a tattoo with a fox only a female sign. The drawing with a cunning beast is also suitable for male energy. Owners of tattoos with a fox are very resourceful, resourceful and endowed with good intuition. Perhaps it is such a sign that enhances all these qualities.